
Welcome to the Brussels Nix and Guix User Group!

Monthly meeting


Every second Monday of the month — add it to my Calendar!
18:00 - 20:00 CET

Our next meeting takes place on Monday, September 9th 2024!


At HSBXL, Rue Osseghem 53, 1080 Molenbeek, Brussels. Call +3228804004 when you're in front of the building, and someone will come to open the door for you :)


Enthusiasts of all levels are encouraged to join; this includes those merely curious about Nix and/or Guix. Introductory sessions and support will be available for beginners — don't forget your laptop!


Please register your name and public contact information through this privacy friendly Cryptpad form if you want to come.

For those interested in presenting to the group, please inform Yvan in advance so they can organize and promote the sessions. We're looking for lightning talks of up to 10 minutes. Although not obligatory, giving us a heads-up about your presentation is appreciated, especially since scheduled talks will take precedence if we're pressed for time.

The meetup will start with any scheduled presentations, followed by pizza! Post-meal, we'll engage in some casual hacking and networking.


Join us in our Matrix group.